This chair that helps with your anxiety
Try this effective but simple method to manage your anxiety 🙂
Life gives us many things to worry about, even if they are good worries like planning a baby shower, moving for a new job, making a tasty meal, we are almost always overloaded with things. For some it can be very anxiety provoking. We spend hours of our day while working, while spending time with family – filled with anxious about things that may come, or may not, a general sense of impending doom.
Here is where the worry chair comes into play.
The concept is basically you want to
1. have set time and a set place to worry daily if needed, For example, a chair or a floor space, a garden area. Maybe 7-7:30 pm or morning time. (Initial sessions may be uncomfortable and it is okay to just acknowledge that you are anxious. As you embrace the very scary feeling that you are anxious, give your body and mind grace, something is heightening your nervous system even if you cannot comprehend at this time. Remember, avoidance increases the anxiety.)
2. Now that you have accepted that you are anxious, and this is the way you feel. Mindfully observe your thoughts. Jot them down in a journal, Type them on your laptop. What are the recurring thoughts? What is theme? Are you dealing with multiple tasks at the same time that is overloading you? Are you afraid of falling short of an upcoming deadline, project? Do you have something to attend, and the thought of meeting people is anxiety inducing? Whatever it is- write it down. If you feel drained by this. Stop. you can continue in your next session. You dont have to figure out all the answers in a single setting.
3. If you find yourself ruminating during non-worry time (unless its urgent, like a flat tire, feeling sick, your patient is crashing), tell your mind- I can feel your anxiety, it is important, and I will deal with it in its due time.
4. Now that you have brought some of the anxiety theme in your consciousness. comes the problem solving. Okay I am anxious to go to this event today. How can I prepare for it. Can I research the people who are coming so I have some conversation starters etc.
(These are simpler examples- sometimes you are anxious about your whole life- it may take consistent practice and dealing with one anxiety at a time.)
Benefits: This helps you be more present during the day and use your time without worry actually doing things. When we keep anxiety in the back, ruminating without dealing, we don’t solve, it exhausts the mind and feels bigger than it seems. By giving it attention and facing it head on, you actually give it a needed space to problem solve and process your feelings.
Do it every day or at least three times a week. Note: If you feel the worry thoughts coming during other times of the day- tell your thoughts- hey, I hear you. You are anxious, I will come back to you in the evening.
Let me know if this works for you!!
Lots of love, Dr.A 🙂