(Advice on how to score in the end)
What is it?
Occupational English Test. A test used to determine whether a professional is sufficiently competent in English to be able to work effectively in an English speaking country.
Unlike TOEFL and IELTS, it is profession specific. It will not ask you to write an essay about the history of Mughal Empire but rather ask things like how to write a referral to another doctor.
What does it consist of?
Four parts:
What resources to use?
I only used OET Sample Papers from their official Website
And free Youtube videos from E2 language– I found them really beneficial. They also have sample test with grades which my friend bought. (I only watched the free videos.)
You can practice speaking with your friends or find another fellow OET applicant on Facebook, telegram groups.
How much time will it take:
Depends on how proficient you are. Ten days are enough to see the format, solve sample papers and hold three-four speaking sessions. Even my batchmates who were feeling like that they are not pro at English. will not naturally message or converse in proper English except in professional settings, managed to pass after 20 days of prep and in one go.
But there were some people who took 5 months to prepare, had a tutor, and solved plenty of sample tests but still were unable to pass. They do score strictly, I agree. So timeline depends on you.
The exam does cost something like 450$ so you don’t want to mess up even one part. When I gave, the dates were a hassle to get, but with OET home and OET computer things are easier. Prometric centers feel familiar after all the steps. ;P
The result also takes some 15-20 days to come especially if you have holidays in between. If you need to submit your results at a particular date; Better to take margin for a retest (which hopefully you will not need) and result declaration.
Now for the most useful part.
The JUICY Advice: Strategies that helped me score.
None of these images in this article belong to me. no copyright infringement intended. Taken from OET official website.
while I gave OET for doctors. this advice can be generalized. Note I haven’t discussed the pattern which is easily understandable once you go to their website and look at even one sample paper.
Speaking: Communicate the points given on the doctor card. Time 5 min. Practice with someone acting like a the patient.
1. Start the conversation.
I am Dr. XYZ, Thank you for coming to see me. I understand you are having some issue with…….(if it is mentioned)
How may I help you today?
2. Rules to follow throughout the conversation.
Be attentive and courteous:
Like while asking for past medical history .. Do you mind if I ask about your past medical history ?
I wanted to ask about your previous surgeries or illness, is that okay?–(yes) — Thank you.
Be non judgemental
Scenario: Patient refusing to take insulin saying it is painful.
Your attitude: I understand your discomfort regarding insulin. regular use of needles is definitely not the most pleasant experience. Don’t assume non compliance or inability to understand.
Be empathetic
Scenario: Patient is scared of going of her newly made diagnosis.
Attitude: Don’t go rambling about the treatment options. take a moment to pause and reflect with them. Add a line like- This is a major change affecting all spheres of your life. it is natural to feel scared and confused. I will try my best to guide at every step. Let’s take it slowly.
1. Pick up on patient cues and concerns. 2. Explore them. 3. Try to relate you answers and explanation to solve/mitigate those concerns.
Another example.
Patient is about to undergo colonoscopy. has asked twice whether it will be uncomfortable/ painful/ have any permanent damage to anus etc.
1. I can understand that undergoing any procedure is stressful especially if it is your first time
2. Would you mind telling me your understanding of colonoscopy (What is their perception). (Add thank you for sharing when they finish)
3. Explain in simple language what the procedure would entail, regarding local anesthesia, the amount of discomfort, permanent effects etc. (normally this would be given in your card)
Put patient at ease.
If they are dizzy, have excess sleepiness but that is not a major component of illness or management. Still mention a line like.
The dizziness seems to be a significant issue for you. Let us discuss the possible ways we can address it.
3. Structure the conversation:
Sequence the discussion.
Make the changes in topic clear.
Organize the explanation.
Like if the treatment has three components go with something like- Now that we have discussed the diagnosis, I would like to move on to Treatment. (topic change) *pause* There are three parts to it.
the first being——
the second thing we will focus upon
the third thing–
After finishing. You may say we discussed a, b, c . Were all these points clear. Please feel free to ask any questions.
This apparent tip helped two colleagues from going to failing in reading to get 80-90%. I hope it as effective for you. but it is a simple tip in the end. 🙂
One of them had hired a tutor that they had paid 300$ for. (And I was like you should have just given it to me… in my head)
Many people have time issues in reading especially the part A, which is definitely has some time constraints.
( I did the reading part in record time of 22 minutes I think. given time was 45 min.) – B and C :D)
What most people do is the start reading the whole thing when they get the paper. I don’t want you to read it. Just assess what the para is about and skim through the main headings inside it. Try it in the sample below (see images below)
Take a minute or two to assess. then come back here.
(did u really assess it??)
Text A: is like a classification. differentiating between fractures. dislocation. sprain.
Text B: i just read immediate management. clinical assessment and management.
so it basically tells what first aid you should do. how you should proceed after stabilization and then how to manage further.
Text C: dosing of pain medication
Text D: how to do plaster backslab.
Now if you come to the question part…(third image)
The first question procedure for pain relief.
The whole pain dosing is in text C. without reading also, you can guess. It is text C. But maybe you want to confirm.
We know pain relief will come in management that is Text B. the dosing for pain relief is the whole Text C
we use a key word. like pain from the question and “scan” the paragraph.
Remember finding a key word and scanning for it is very important to save time. The answer will be just nearby.
you see that pain is managed by morphine or fentanyl. but compared to the text C. this info is very less.
so which text discusses procedure for pain relief. Text C
let’s try a ques number 4. the terms used to describe different type of fractures.
The only para discussing types is the classification which is para a.
Try to you skim/scan through the other paras to find any other classification. Did you find it? no. Answer. A.
let’s try one fill in the blanks.
The maximum dose of morphine that can be given through IM route in adults.
Key words. IM, Adult, maximum, per kilo.
It is asking about dosing. Which para do you want to look for?
Text C! Remember C main gist was dosing of pain meds. You look and find IM in the route column. you go ahead. and see adults and max in column beside it. The dose 10 mg. but it is asking per kilo. so 0.2 mg/kg is the answer.
You don’t have to start reading from text a then go to b then to c. Cheers.
If this helped. Do tell. 🙂
Listening and Writing:
I don’t have much of a insightful advice for these. Scored basic marks in writing.
Listening was easy for me. Straightforward answers. They were one after the another. (like if there are six fill in the blanks. the first answer will come first in the audio, then the second and so on.)
Only thing you needed was an attention span. Cause if you miss a word it won’t be repeated.
I apologize for any grammatical error. You can DM me on Twitter and I will change it.. Until next time. Adios.